Once we learn how much we need to move, we need to know how we will move prior to ascertaining how much energy we will need for this. Consequently the next step is to establish scenarios of modal distribution in each total mobility demand scenario.
If we start from the historical evolution of the modal distribution, the scenario developed shows the weight of urban mobility over total mobility and, on that basis, urban and interurban mobility are disaggregated, both for passengers and freight, for both the BAU and Efficiency Scenarios.
The distinguishing factor are the two motorised modes, road and rail, and between individual and collective usage, regardless of whether ownership is public or private. The non-motorised modes of transport are not directly reflected and they act as a reduction in the demand for motorised mobility, since the aim of this study is to analyse the energy implications of transport.
3.2.1. Urban traveller´s mobility
3.2.2. Urban freight mobility
3.2.3. Urban traveller´s mobility
3.2.4. Non-urban freight mobility